MURCIR Bulletin

MURCIR Bulletin is a bi-annual electronic newsletter of Marmara University Research Center for International Relations. It conveys information about the activities and research endeavors accomplished within MURCIR and by the faculty and Ph.D students in the Department of Political Science and International Relations which we are in close collaboration with. Please click below to see the latest issue of MURCIR Bulletin:


MURCIR Bulletin, No. 7 - April 2013

MURCIR Bulletin, No. 6 - March 2012

MURCIR Bulletin, No. 5 - July 2011

MURCIR Bulletin, No. 4 - February 2011

MURCIR Bulletin, No. 3 - February 2010

MURCIR Bulletin, No. 2 - June 2009

MURCIR Bulletin, No. 1 - October 2008


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