March 14, 2007

Wednesday Talk

"Access to Justice" Project
Irene Banias (Ph.D., Boğaziçi University)

MURCIR Wednesday Talks hosted Dr. Irene Banias from Boğaziçi University. The talk was about the details of the “Acces to Justice Project” and the workshop that is organized in Ankara University Human Rights Center.

The project is coordinated by Taciser Belge and Dr. Irene Banias and it is supervised by the European Commission. As Dr. Banias pointed out the project addresses issues with judicial, police and NGO institutions to develop integrative and participatory views of human and civil rights.

The training project has been realized in Antalya, Erzurum and Izmir. The profile of the participants varies from NGO representatives, police, gendarmary, judicial body representatives. Dr. Banias informed us about the difficulties as well as opportunities that they observed during their experience throughout the project. The aim of the project is to promote and support the implementation of human right standards within the criminal justice institutions in Turkey.


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